Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sorry About the Wait

It's been forever since I posted. Sorry about the wait. I hate it when I let myself get behind, since it's so much work to get caught up. But, here we go…

I arranged for one of my neighbor friends to work with the two older girls on their swimming skills. It's so handy to have a pool next door with an owner nice enough to let us use it. One of the days, my friend brought her two youngest over to play with Edith while they swam. Edith had been bugging me to set up a play date with this friend, so it worked out perfectly. 

Edith and I were snuggling up on the couch together one day and we decided to take some crazy-faced selfies. We had a lot of fun together.

The weather has been super hot this summer, but I finally got up the motivation to take the kids to the park early in the morning before the slides and swings got too hot to sit on. Bud was at rock climbing, so it was only Big and Edith who made the trek down the hill with me to the park. Big and I kicked the soccer ball around a bit while Edith played. It was fun.

Another great activity to do when it's really hot out is running through the sprinklers. I loved doing it when I was a kid. I had to laugh, though, that even though it was 100 degrees out, the sun was behind the clouds and the kids complained of being cold. 

I love how casual and laid back this summer has been. We certainly aren't giving the kids the impression that summers are all about taking trips and going somewhere fun every day. I don't want to set high expectations for the future, you know. Don't worry, lest you think my kids are deprived, the next post will be about a trip. :)

1 comment:

Sue said...

I also loved running through the sprinklers as a kid, but that water is cold! Great pictures, everyone is looking so grown up!