Monday, February 22, 2010

Really Good Water!

Big was excited (as usual) to partake of the sacrament water in church yesterday. He drank from his little cup with relish and said, "Mmmm. That's good water... really good water! Better than in the bathtub this morning!"

The sacrament water was pretty darn gross tasting but, having seen the boys' bath water this morning, I think he's probably right. 


Lisa Marie said...

I've noticed he's very good at voicing his observations- kinda like Bear Grylls decribing what BBQ'd skunk tasted like (in case you're wondering, it's like a steak rolled in dog feces).

Jennifer said...

Well, when you're comparison is to bath water, not much can come in second! ha

The Laundry Queen said...

You're right, Lisa, he is very good at verbalizing what he thinks. That's what's so funny about him. I hope he never tells me he ate bbq'd skunk, though! Ack!

Marla said...

Haha. Kids say the best things. :)