Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Favorites: The Very Tired Version

I was so busy falling asleep sitting up on the couch that I almost forgot to do this. My eyes are drooping and my head is bobbing while I type, so let's get 'er dun!

1. Rophone worked really hard on stuff for our online recording school all weekend. I'm really happy about his renewed motivation and appreciate how hard he works for our family. I love my husband.

2. Edith was pretty groggy and unhappy about waking up from her nap on Sunday, so I snuggled with her and Big for a few minutes and had us pose for funny pictures to try to cheer her up. It was fun. I'll take snuggles from my kids any day.

3. I looked over as I was sweeping the kitchen floor on Sunday night and saw the cutest thing-- Bud and Edith sitting in a little laundry basket, singing together. A really little laundry basket. It was just so cute and looked so funny that I had to snap a photo. It looks like their legs are going straight into the floor!

Edith was happy to give Big a turn, too.

4. I love that my kids love each other (or that everyone loves Edith, anyway). :)

5. Ginger, Bud, and Big had their parent-teacher conferences this week and they're all doing fabulously. I love that my kids love school.

6. The elementary school kids had early dismissal all week due to the parent-teacher conferences, so I had time to take Big and Edith to the park before lunch on Wednesday. It's a lot of fun. 

7. I did a lot of yard work on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday (about 7 hours total)-- I worked at my Mom's house on Wed. and at my house on Thurs. I'm dead tired, but physical labor is pretty darn cathartic for me and I love to see the progress I've made. It's amazing how much more patient I am with the kids when I can get out and do something physically demanding. 

8. I love working with Big. He's such a hard worker and I love how much less ornery and stubborn he is when he gets to work. I guess he's like me. Bud even worked with us in our yard on Thursday, too (I wish I had captured his picture). The best worker-buddies a girl could ask for.

9. Probably the best part about Thursday was when the boys got tired of helping me in the yard and went out front to play. A few minutes after they headed around to the front of the house, Bud sticks his head out of the kitchen door to ask, "Hey, Mom! Can we go bike riding? Big learned how to ride the two-wheeler!". Big has been doing great on his balance bike for ages and I have tried (very patiently, but unsuccessfully) a few times to teach him to ride a regular two-wheeler. All of our attempts lasted about 2 minutes and ended with Big deciding that he didn't want to learn. So, I asked Bud what his secret was. His response? "Well, I just said, 'Hey, Big. Why don't you ride the two-wheeler?' and Big said, 'Okay.'" So, Bud gave him a few pointers and Big took off riding. Awesome. I am so excited for him.

10. We got a bunch of snow today. Big spent about an hour before it got too deep riding his bike on the driveway. He loves riding a two-wheeler, and I love how dedicated he is to improving his performance when he finds something he loves. His focus is awesome.

11. The great thing about the snow we got today is that it gave Big a chance to shovel. And sled. And build a snowman. And play nicely with his brother. It made Big so tired that he climbed into my bed and fell asleep by 6:30. Definitely a good day.

12. One of the best parts of my day was this:

Edith snagged this pair of Big's underwear off of a pile of his clean laundry I had folded and set aside for him to put away after school. She tried for ages and ages to put the 'bison' underwear on all by herself, getting so frustrated at her lack of success. After she worked so hard, I just couldn't turn her down when she finally asked for my help in putting them on over her pants. Edith wore the beloved underwear all day and is now wearing them over her pajamas as she sleeps for the night. It makes me smile to think of it. I kinda hope she insists on wearing them again tomorrow. So dang cute.


patti's place said...

I'm sure glad you do Friday Favorites! It always makes me smile! And I was the beneficiary this week, even better.

Sue said...

Awesome week! Great pictures and I love Edith wearing the underwear over her pajamas too, haha!

Jennifer said...

Wow, congrats to Big on the bike-riding. Ethan just learned how and he's 8. It DOES take so much work on the parents' part!! (Especially in our NY neighborhood--nowhere to learn. We had to drive him elsewhere to learn.) Anyway... I'm super impressed with Big. Nice work!! And Bud, too--the teacher! :)

Tamsen said...

Would Big be interested in a little yard work at our place next week? :)

The Laundry Queen said...

He would probably love it, Tamsen!