Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Recipe Needed

For the past few days, whenever I ask Big what he would like to eat, he has been replying, "Steak muffin."

If anyone has a recipe for that, please let me know. Thanks.


Mister said...

Maybe it's just steak and "nuthin" else.

Jennifer said...

Well, I have some recipes for steak, and I have some recipes for muffins, but that's about it.

Boy, a steak muffin sounds so disgusting...

I hope he finds what he's after! :)

Anonymous said...

Not so disgusting if it were an English muffin, I suppose. Maybe something like eggs benedict with really thinly-sliced steak. Doesn't that sound good?

The Laundry Queen said...

I agree, jwise, that it does sound disgusting. Especially after he pointed to an abstract red heart and said, "steak muffin". Apparently he likes his steak muffins very rare....

Pat H. said...

I think he was saying "stud muffin". He probably wanted his daddy to be there to eat with him.