Sunday, May 3, 2009

Conversation with the Captain

As I mentioned in my previous post, some family came over on Friday to help celebrate Bud's birthday. My folks showed up first with Bud's cousins, The Genealogist and Captain Tornado, in tow. The kids played outside until dinner was ready and I called them to come in. Since my brother and his wife still weren't there, I asked The Genealogist and Captain Tornado to wash their hands for dinner along with my own kids.

Captain Tornado and I then proceeded to have this hilarious conversation.

Me: "Hey, Captain! Why don't you go wash your hands for dinner with the other kids?"

Captain: "I washed my hands at home."

Me: "That's great, but you've just been playing outside so I bet they're dirty again."

Captain: "It's raining outside...."

Me: "Oh? Fun! Rain is nice. Go wash your hands so we can eat, please."

Captain: "Rain is wet...."

Me: (light bulb goes off when I realize what he's getting at) "Yep. Rain is wet, but not wet enough to get your hands clean. You still have to wash them."

Captain: (a bet crestfallen) "Oh. Okay."

I loved seeing how his mind was working when he came up with that reasoning. It was great! Thanks for coming over to have fun with us, Captain Tornado!


Jen said...

What a great expression on his face in the bottom picture. It tells it all!

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

love the logic! ha :)

Lisa Marie said...

Sounds some logical thinking to me :) He came up with good arguments for his side of the hand-washing debate, but I'm going to side with you on this one. A little rain probably isn't the best sanitizer....