Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Binky Fairy Is Insane

And brilliant! Seriously. I never in a million years would have thought that the Binky Fairy would bring Big a 4-wheel drive truck, but he did.


It's such an insane thing to trade for binkies but, considering that Big asks for a 4-wheel drive truck just about every day, it was just the right thing. It isn't the real truck he was hoping for, but it will have to do.

The Binky Fairy knew that there was no way Big would risk throwing a tantrum about his binkies at bedtime for fear of losing the truck in a trade-back. Big has had a little trouble settling in at night, but nothing like we expected. The truck was brilliant, I tell you. 

Never mind that I swore we'd never own such a toy for the children. Sacrifices have to be made at times, you know. Plus, it's not like I'm the one who got it-- that was all the Binky Fairy. So, my conscience is mostly clear (I say mostly just because I'm a guilt-ridden middle child). 

Big is just such a guy's guy. He's all about worker trucks, balls and digging. When I told him the other day that he'd be going to preschool soon he said, "I don't want to go to school. I want to drive an excavator." 

My explanation of the importance of school and how he doesn't need to skip preschool since he isn't even technically old enough to drive an excavator fell on deaf ears, I fear. We all know that he thinks age is just a number-- most certainly not a determination of what he can or should be able to do. His mind is made up.

Yup. Big is a total guy's guy.

Don't let the polish fool you.


SassyMama said...

That is one very, very nice binkie fairy!
I hope our future binkie fairy is taking notes:)

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

Yeah, brilliant move, that Binkie Fairy. And I like the idea of possible trade-backs. I've decided that if you're a parent long enough, you're bound to do AT LEAST one of those things you swore you'd NEVER do!

(My grandma used to have a plaque on her wall that said "Before I got married I had six theories about raising children. Now I have six children and no theories.")

He looks SOOOOO happy in these pictures!

Tamsen said...

From one youngest child to another: You scored big, Big! Someday your older siblings might *try* to suggest that you got more than they did...but pay no attention to it. Fairies (binkie, tooth, and like) have a soft spot for the "baby." Especially one that's as cute (and manly) as you. ;-)

janeannechovy said...

ANOTHER driving toy? Oy. I dare say the Binky Fairy would not be so generous if he weren't the baby--that's some dangerous precedent being set otherwise.

janeannechovy said...

Clearly, T and I had the same reaction. :)

CarrieMarie said...

Your binky fairy is awesome! Seeeeeriously! : )

Roger said...

As a youngest child, that had no idea what a Binkie was, I can relate! There were other things did very well on. Big scored big, no doubt about it.

patti's place said...

That is some exchange! Now the boys can have races.I just hope he doesn't run over any of his siblings while he's learning how to drive.

The Laundry Queen said...

Let's just say the parents of Big were already thinking of selling the original driving toy for a profit, and now will for sure do so. Remember the $50 steal of an purchase price? Needless to say, it will be listed shortly.