Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Favorites

I can't believe that another week has gone by already. I am really struggling to recall the good things that happened this week-- I think that with my terrible pregnancy memory that maybe I ought to keep track on paper the good things each day so Fridays aren't so hard. 

As my mom would say, 'It might behoove me to do so." I don't know how many times I heard that growing up. It always made me feel rather horse-like. Or cow-like. Pig-like? Like an animal with hooves.


1. Ginger got to go skiing this week with her 4th grade class. It was her very first time and she really enjoyed it. I am so happy when my kids get to have new experiences.

2. Bud has been reading to me from a Magic Treehouse book this week. While I am a little jealous that they didn't have books like that for me to read at his age, I'm glad he has them. They're cool. On the other hand, could I even read at that level when I was 5? 

3. I hit the 28 week milestone in my pregnancy. I'm not sure that it's really a milestone, but I'm pretending it is. I'm allowed. I'm pregnant. And 39. Every day I make it through feels like a milestone. ; )

4. I put a few more decorations up in the family room so now it looks more like Christmas where we hang out the most. Before, we only had two little wooden Rudolph decorations up. They were hardly even noticeable on the shelves. 

5. We are all done with our Christmas shopping for the kids, and I have almost all the wrapping done, too. What a nice feeling. 

6. Big seems to actually be learning to play well by himself this week instead of needing to be constantly entertained. I hope it continues, because I'll need him to do that once the baby comes. Bud and Big have been playing well together this week, too. Weird, but I won't turn it down. 

7. Rophone took the day off work yesterday (since he worked last Sunday and works this one, too). It was fabulous. Everything about the day went more smoothly and was more enjoyable. We got some things done and went on an adventure-- totally great. Any time I get the chance to spend the day with my best friend everything is just better.

8. The weekend is here. I think that could be on my list every week. Happy weekend!


Tamsen said...

Getting through each day of pregnancy is a milestone for sure!

I put up our Christmas decorations (all 4 or 5 of them) on Saturday, and that afternoon Hewitt asked, "When are we going to put up our decorations?" Ha ha. At least they help me get into the spirit...

Laura said...

Love your Friday fav's!!

The Laundry Queen said...

That's funny, Tams. The total cost of our new decorations was about $3 (what a bargain shopper I am!), but it makes a difference.

CarrieMarie said...

happy friday!! i do so enjoy your faves this week. : )

patti's place said...

I love your Friday Favorites...but I don't remember using "behooves"...did I really? Sort of archaic isn't it? Still don't have any Christmas decorations out a string of lights...does that count? I ran out of time today, but maybe later tonight. Love you!

The Laundry Queen said...

Yes, mom, you used the word 'behoove'. Not to say anything about how arcane you might be, but where else would I have learned it?

Jennifer said...

Great list again. I know so much what you mean on #1. Just makes me so happy when my kids do that. And I think Magic Treehouse books are SO great, too. My oldest loved them so much he couldn't bring himself to part with them when a friend asked to borrow one. And he was about 12 (and thoroughly DONE reading them) by the time he could even let go of them to give them to younger siblings. Yay for Bud! And I'm totally agreeing with you on the milestones in pregnancy. You're allowed ANYTHING YOU WANT RIGHT NOW. You're the hero. Don't forget it! :)

SassyMama said...

Congrats on 28 weeks!
At our elderly age, you earn a gold star on your forehead for every day you are very pregnant:)