Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday Favorites

1. The air was really crummy this week (enough so that they kept the kids in for recess). It really makes me feel claustrophobic and anxious. Yucky, see?

That isn't the favorite. The fact that the air cleared up over the past few days and now we're getting pounded with snow is the favorite. I feel like I can breathe again.

2. Last Saturday, I mentioned that there was a load of laundry in the dryer that needed to be folded. I was shocked when Big quickly jumped up and volunteered to go down and get it. He hauled the full laundry basket up the spiral staircase and Bud eagerly offered to help him fold it. I'm not sure what prompted the helpful cooperation, but I'll take it. My favorite fold-job was the long sleeved shirt of mine that Big folded with the inside-out sleeves sticking out through the neck hole. Perfect.

3. Big and I talked a lot more about work trucks this week. It's amazing how it helps his behavior. It's a fun way to bond, too.

3. I love these pictures I took of Big and Edith at the bread store. It's fun to go there together as a part of our routine. The picture of Big makes me laugh-- clearly the bite he's swallowing is going down a bit dryly. Better take a swig of that water, Big.

4. My favorite show is back for a new season. Thank heavens we can stream it online so I can watch it even without a TV. 

5. This is the first full week we've been back in the routine after break. It's kinda nice to be back at it. The kids are definitely happier when they're busier and can feel like they're doing their own things. Makes me happy, too. I occasionally get a few minutes downtime in the car-- it's not much, but it's better than nothing.

6. My sister, Martha, had my mom bring me a little surprise in her suitcase. I am currently typing my blog post on it. Even though this is Friday Favorites, I'm not going to say she's my favorite sister, but I am awfully glad for a sister who is so generous. Thanks, Martha (and Plumbean)!

7. I was so excited when Edith wanted to take our picture together with her phone because she usually tries to avoid having her photo taken. Since Edith's phone doesn't really work, I thought it would be a good chance to take some shots with my phone, too.

8. Big totally photo-bombed us McKayla Mulroney style in this one. I love it.

9. Today was Big's chance to share his 'All About Me' poster in school. For about the last 15 minutes of class he got to share some things about himself and answer questions posed by his classmates (among other things). He enjoyed being King.

10. I am so glad that I have a husband who loves and supports me so much. I really love him, too. 


patti's place said...

Great post...but I could do with a little less snow, but glad it cleaned the air.

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

Great week! Glad the air cleared up. Great favorites.