Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday Favorites

This will be quick-- it's late and we just spent 14 hours or so in the car.

1. Bud's barfing was, indeed, a one-off. Hallelujah. 

2. My brother, Rib, and his family were in town all week. We had a lot of fun together.

3. I spent all week pretending we were going on vacation, and what do you know? We went. The drive was long, but I am so excited to be here. This will really only be a vacation for the kids of course, for the adults it's a trip. Rophone and I will leave the kids behind one of these days and go on vacation and relax.


Pat H. said...

Are you close by us? Stop in!

Jennifer said...

Good ones! (esp. #1 bcs that can ruin #3) Enjoy your vacation!!