Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Favorites

1. I took Edith and the boys on a hike up the canyon on Saturday morning. We missed the girls, but it was a lot of fun to have it just be the 4 of us. Edith was pretty unhappy about having to be in the carrier, though. She's jealous of her brothers and all the exploring they get to do. She just can't wait to go, go, go.

2. A favorite within a favorite is how this picture really demonstrates the boys' difference in style. I tried to convince Big to change either his shorts or his shirt but, as he explained to me, "Blue and blue just go so well together." Bud, on the other hand... let's just say he's a little more metro. I love my boys.

3. We paused in our traditional picture spot and I was lucky enough this time to get to be in the shot. Thanks to the rock climber who encouraged me to squeeze in the slot in the rock with the boys! I just realized I used 'spot', 'shot', and 'slot' in this favorite-- I think I like that, too...

4. One more favorite from the hike-- it was great how Big found himself the most perfect, awesome rock while we were on the hike. "Look at this rock, Mom! It's just what I was looking for! I can't believe I found it!" He then hucked the rock with both hands. (Since it was pretty large and that's what you do with rocks. Even perfect ones.) I just really loved Big's excitement over finding 'The One'. Especially since a lot of the hike had terrain like this: 

5. I love it that I had willing helpers at times this week. It's always a favorite when that happens.

6. The wife of one of Rophone's cousins started a blog for kids to write reviews of books they've read so other kids can get ideas of what book they'd like to read next. It's a great idea and my kids have really enjoyed participating this week. I think my favorite part is how it's getting their writing chops going for when school starts in a week and a half.

7. I really love it when my kids do art. I am so happy we were able to set up our art center because it allows my kids to do things like this together:

What can I say? I love to see it.

8. We got the kids all of their necessary school supplies last night. I think we all breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that we're now prepared. At least, I know I did. Being organized and prepared is a huge favorite of mine. 

9. I got to play 'Cows' with Edith today. Several times. I'll let the picture speak for itself.

10. I was able to finish off my week by going on a date with Rophone tonight. A fantastic dinner, frozen yogurt for dessert, and wonderful company. My husband is hot and he loves me. A favorite? Oh, yeah.


patti's place said...

The weeks keep getting better. This is good!

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

AWESOME!!! I think I love all these "favorites."