Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Five Days of Thanksgiving: Day Four

Okay, here we go again...

1. I am thankful that I managed to get most of the Thanksgiving cooking and prep done today, so tomorrow should be quite leisurely. Well, as much as Thanksgiving can be without a dishwasher.

2. I am thankful that my pregnancy brain seemed to take a break today so all of the dishes turned out as intended. I think. I'll let you know for sure tomorrow after I actually eat them. 

3. I am thankful that Ginger is so good at wrangling and playing with her brothers when I need her to, and is usually very willing to do so. She made it possible for me to accomplish all I did today. She even got them to clean the family room. Happily! Thanks Ginger!

4. I am thankful that Big has relatives who are willing to become a part of his construction business (tonight he gained a crane operator and two surveyors). It was so nice to have a night off. 

5. I am thankful that the cold weather makes me not feel so hot. So, yeah, I wore flip flops today-- 18 degrees seems positively balmy. 

See you tomorrow for the finale!


CarrieMarie said...

Cheers! I'm sure the food will taste as delicious as it looks. (or, as i assume it looks since you said it turned out well!) : )

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

Hooray!! That's all good stuff. Sounds like today (Thanksgiving) will be great for you! Happy Thanksgiving!!