Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Bud had his first piano lesson yesterday. To say he was excited is just a wee bit of an understatement. Kind of like saying I'm just a little bit pregnant. He nagged me and nagged me last week until I contacted the piano teacher to see if we could add him on, not wanting to miss his chance for another week.

Waiting for yesterday's lesson was, for Bud, like waiting for Christmas. He kept saying things like, "I can't wait for Tuesday!" and "Do you know what I get to do in 2 days? It starts with a 'P'..." I kept my fingers crossed that he would enjoy the piano lesson experience as much as he was expecting to. 

I really shouldn't have worried, I guess. What with his love of (okay, obsession with) music and everything. He sat at the piano and practiced as soon as lessons were over yesterday and made sure to get his time in today, too. He loves it and can't wait until next time. I'm excited to see how he progresses and how it will influence the music he writes. 

I love having kids that have something they're passionate about. It really makes me want to find what I'm passionate about, too. At this point in my life I know it should be my kids, but to be truthful I'm struggling a bit. I need to work on that. Maybe if I had an outside passion to make me feel a little more well rounded it would come. I need to work on that, too. 

What I do know is that I love my kids, and that's a great place to start. 


CarrieMarie said...

hobbies are fun! bowling? paper mache? salt-water aquarium? well, those get expensive, tho. photography... ; )

glad bud's liking piano lessons so far!

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

I'm happy for him!! That is really cool.

It is really cool to have kids that have something they're passionate about. That is awesome.

I think it's good to be passionate about your kids, but I also think you have to have an outside passion or you end up feeling lost. It's that way for me, anyway. I think it is (as you said) about being well-rounded.