Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Favorites: Is This Getting Old Yet?

1. On Saturday, I helped Pen throw a fabulous costume birthday party. All 5 of the friends she invited were able to come, and if the amount of laughter is any indication, they had a great time.

2. We really had some nummy food over the weekend-- salmon on saturday night and sweet potato gnocchi on Sunday. I'm glad I can cook. 

3. I got home from taking Pen to ballet on Wednesday to find that Rophone had taken the kids on a walk and was getting some things done in the yard. Awesome. It was great to be outside in the lovely fall weather. I love this time of year.

4. When the kids were outside on Wednesday, they discovered how much fun it is to ride the tricycles up our driveway and then coast down the steep incline, coming to a stop in our oversize garage at the bottom. I am more than happy with how much time they have spent doing that since then. 

5. I got my flu shot yesterday, which means that the whole family is now good to go. It gives me peace of mind to know that we're doing our part to help keep Rophone healthy while he's on these immunosuppressive medications.

6. We are in the midst of a 4 day weekend. It hasn't all gone smoothly (I think the kids need to get used to being around each other so much again), but I love the break from having to do the morning routine.  

7. I took the kids on a great hike yesterday afternoon. A real hike, not a halk. It was beautiful and the cold breeze coming down the canyon was refreshing. Hiking 40 minutes uphill definitely wore Big out, though. He was conked out in bed by 6:40 with all of his clothes on and he didn't wake up until 7:30 this morning. (I'd guess the fact that he rode his bike up and down our driveway all morning and took it upon himself to weed the yard for almost an hour also contributed to his exhaustion.) I'm just happy that, even hauling Edith, I was barely out of breath and don't even really feel sore today. We're definitely going again.

8. Oh, and I'm proud of myself for taking all 5 kids on a hike yesterday all by myself, instead of just thinking about doing it but not doing it. It can be done. And enjoyed.

9. I made some really good blueberry muffins this morning. 

10. My mom surprised me with a gift ladle today because she knew I didn't have one. Thanks, Mom!

11. I genuinely really like my husband and kids. I know not everyone can say that, so I'm glad I can.


CarrieMarie said...

like like like like like!!!! : )

patti's place said...

Sounds like a great week and I'm proud of your for venturing out with all five kids...not an easy task.

The Laundry Queen said...

I just added one more to the list-- how could I forget my gift ladle I received today?

Melody Joy Fields said...

Good week! Glad to know you're out and aout, because I can attest to how hard it is "mentally" to get moving with five kids!

Sue said...

NOT getting old yet! Love to hear these. And I'm very impressed with you taking all 5 kids on a hike, way to go! Love you, Sis.

janeannechovy said...

Not old for me, either! And I should try to follow your hiking example with my three on non-rainy Saturdays--there are certainly plenty of trails near me!

The Laundry Queen said...

Go for it, JA.

Jennifer's Kitchen said...

Awesome! All of them. The costume party looks GREAT! And I know what you mean about genuinely liking your husband & kids. You're right--not everyone does, and it is so nice that you do. (I do, too. It's the best.) :)