Friday, June 13, 2008

Surgeon Bud

I sure do love my surgeon!  Every time I have to go see Surgeon Bud he makes me feel better. I know I have already posted once today, but so much has happened since then!  I totally forgot that I had surgery scheduled for this afternoon!  The procedure was almost completely painless, and I was rewarded with a sticker for my bravery.

Here is the "sticker" (I had Pen take the picture--good job, Pen!  If you can't tell, the sticker is actually one of Big's puzzle pieces):

I know this picture is terribly blurry (he was bookin' it!), but I had to show you Big's favorite thing to do with the puzzle pieces:

Mr. Hard-Boiled Egg Eyes:

1 comment:

Lisa Marie said...

I went back and read your original post about "Surgeon Bud"- hilarious! :) and btw, love "Mr. Hard-Boiled Egg Eyes", too. I'm going to have to try that one out on my kiddos.