Monday, August 18, 2008

A Picture of My Day

If I were to describe my day with a picture, this one would do nicely:

Since none of my kids have been very amenable to having their picture taken mid-tantrum today, I borrowed someone else's kid instead.

We went to my brother's house last night for dinner and had a super time. While there, I decided (partly from laziness, partly because we were having a good time) to relax a bit on the bedtime and not be as militant as usual about getting out the door to head home.

So, by the time we finally left it was an hour past normal bedtime for the kids, which meant that they didn't get in bed until nearly 2 hours later than normal. Not usually a good idea at any time, it has led to a less than stellar day for us today.

I forgot that today is Monday--the day my muumuu wearing neighbor begins mowing her lawn before 7 am. Any and all hope I had that my kids would sleep in this morning was dashed by the roar of her mower as it came to life.

Rophone and I have a dream. A seemingly simple one, really. We dream that one day our kids will recognize what a joy it is to sleep in, and that we won't be too old to manage it ourselves when it happens!


Lisa Marie said...

Oh, tell me about it! I envy the moms that complain about their kids waking up early at 8:00. "8:00?! I'd kill to have my kids sleep in until 8:00!"

t0moo said...

Should the picture be:

The Laundry Queen said...

If I were to describe how I felt about the day, that picture would do nicely, t0moo.